About Us

Preparing for Disasters
Budgeting 101
Consultation Services
2023 Calendar of Events
2024 Calendar of Events
2023 Care for W.H.O.S.E.
About Us
Meet the Staff
What's New!
Butterfly Journey Publishing
Skinny Black and Brown Women
Terms and Conditions
Prayer and Fasting April 2021
Chitchat Community
Spiritual Dancing Fitness
Walk A Mile Production Studios
Human Services Advocacy
Food, Nutrition, and Health Courses
Beyond 50 Wellness - Fitness, Nutrition, and Financial Budget!
Personal Fitness Training and Nutritional Consultation
Achieving Success with Difficult People Courses
World News
Statement of Faith
Privacy Policy and Notice
Days of Noah Preparation Journey
G.O.O.D. (Getting Out Of Debt)
Words of Encouragement
Healing Holy Bible Scriptures
piercegrace (virginia g. pierce-kelly)
Judaism and Messianic Gentile Information
Messianic Hebrew Fellowship
Financial Blessings
Doers of the WORD Bible Study and Fellowship
Set-Apart (Remnant) of YAHWEH
Watchman on the Wall!
True Origins of Holidays
FREE Holy Bible
Free Online Holy Bible
Days of Noah Newsletter
2015 Caring for W.H.O.S.E.
Bible in the Park
Gospel Evangelism
Evangelism Florida 2013
Salvation from Almighty Most High
W. O. R. D.
Radio Evangelism International
Four Corners Book Signing Tour 2010
Coffee, Tea, & Friends
Fasting and Prayer for Righteous Peace in the World
J.U.S.T.I.C.E. Fasting and Prayer
YouTube Bible Messages and Teachings
Psalms 103 DUNCH
Tent of Meeting
Wellness Health Coaching Packages and Programs
Community Wellness Consultations
Good Health to You and Your Family!
Vegan Education and Information
Healthy Plant-based Living
Healthy Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit
Hallelujah Wellness
Save the Track
LOSE Weight to WIN Health and Wellness!
Dancing With The Spirit
Family Fitness Fun and Wellness
Women Running Over 50
FREE Fitness, Health, and Wellness Information
Fitness Walking
Evangelism Missionary Journey 2011!
Laundromats Ministry Outreach
Montana Evangelism 2010!
Butterfly Journey Books
Bible in Public Schools
Circle of Friends Reading Clubs
Salad Bowl
Fun Photo Movies
The Tongue Life Show
Introduction to Computers
Tall Club of Northern Florida
C.O.A.C.H. Caregivers Of America Collaborating Healthiness
H.E.A.R.T. Seminar 2018
S.T.A.R. - Stonecrest Telemedicine Awareness and Response Coalition
Stonecrest Cell Phone Tower
C.L.E.A.N. Project
Cover letter, Resume, References, Letter of Reference, and Unofficial Transcript
Contact Us

Butterfly Journey Human Services and Ministries provides Free Holy Bible Scripture teaching messages, programs, and events for people to gain and obtain wellness of body, mind, soul, spirit, and finances, become ready for the coming Messiah, the Messianic Age, the Kingdom of Yahuah/Yahweh Elohim, live a holy, pure, and righteous life now and beyond glorifying, honoring, loving, obeying, seeking, serving the Heavenly Father Most High Almighty Yahweh King and Creator of the universe and doing His Words -- Deuteronomy 31:6; Isaiah 41:10; Romans 8:28; James 1:21-22; Revelation 3:8.

Initially, Butterfly Journey Ministries began as a ministry of giving away free Holy Bibles, speaking and teaching the Holy Scriptures on radio and television ministry. Then over the years, we noticed certain people have many needs, people such as widows, homeless people, orphans, single parents, and elderly (age 60 and beyond). It is still today with the new name of Butterfly Journey Human Services and Ministries that our main objective was and still is to assist people as a goal and mission of bringing support for widows, homeless persons, orphans, single parents, and the elderly. through various endeavors, programs, and events. Butterfly Journey Human Services and Ministries desires are the same as the LORD YAH God Elohim's, which is to see the lost in spiritual darkness come into His Spiritual Light and become saved by the grace and mercy of the LORD God, to train and teach others to become servants and disciples of the LORD God by giving away FREE Holy Bibles, and to love the LORD our God with our whole heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Circle of Friends Reading Clubs

Our youth today, more than ever, need empathetic and caring persons to lend a hand with cultivating positive interpersonal and academic educational results.  With participatory individuals getting involved to encourage optimistic youth development, our youth will mature in a constructive manner that will contribute to a healthy society. 




Teens Loving their Child (TLC)

Teens Loving their Child is a program to support, assist, and encourage teens and young adult parents to obtain positive life skills which will help the parent to develop healthy child-rearing methods.

TLC's curriculum is used to help the parents receive training in making healthly choices in raising a child in a safe and happy environment.
Guest speakers come to present information about topics that are relevant to the parents and their children.




Classes are held either in the home of the youth with parents present, or could be held in groups at middle schools, or churches, or libraries.  The classes will not have an automobile simulator because there are many organizations that have the ability to help your youth with that skill.  The purpose of D.E.Y. is to assist your son or daughter to understand the basics of driving without the automobile simulator and focus more on positive and healthy emotional driving, driving edict, and basic driving rules, signage, and regulations.




Your Personal Guide to the Georgia DMV

Media and Issues: Teen Driving

Parental Guide to New Teenage Driving Requirements


G. R. A. C. E.












Youth Conflict Resolution Management


Youth are in a quandary about the direction of his or her life.  Sometimes when youth are going through this search for purpose in their lives, they communicate this bewilderment of purpose by exhibiting undesirable behavior in school.  We have an unconventional communication approach to help youth to understand their myriad perplexing thoughts and how to channel those feelings into a positive means of expression.  Youth ages 11 to 18 years old. 


Elementary Reading Club


Youth would read a book each month in a round-robin stlye and receive rewards and Butterfly Journey Certificate of Completion.  Youth ages 8 to 10 years old.


Teen Reading Club


Youth would read a book each month and receive rewards and Butterfly Journey Certificate of Completion.  Youth ages 11 to 15 years old.

Teen Newspaper

Youth have something to say about today's issues and this newspaper is created entirely by teens.  Youth ages 11 to 19 years old.

Teens Loving their Child (TLC)

Being a parent today has many challenges, and single parents confront many additional obstacles verses a two-parent family.  Single parent issues are addressed for solutions.  For single parents ages 11 to 19 years old.





We have adult programs to enhance and build upon their skills and talents.


Adult reading clubs


Adults read a book monthly and meetings are held once a week to discuss book chapters. 


Computer assistance


For ones that need computer skills for employment or enjoyment.


Literacy assistance


For individuals who need additional reading assistance.


Employment seeking skills 


Are vital to obtain a job, and this program will teach a person how to dress for an interview to resume writing.

To the Top

Psa 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.