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Montana Evangelism 2010!

Matthew 24:14
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

The LORD God Almighty willing, come along with me as I evangelize the Word of God in the "Word On Wheels" (W.O.W.) automobile as the Warrior of the Word of God to spread the Gospel to the nations. On Facebook, type "Doers of the Word" to read what the LORD God Almighty has, is, and going to do upon this earth to show He alone is GOD and there is no other god like Him or never will there be another god like Him, and the LORD God Almighty deserves all the glory, honor, power, praise, and worship.

Scroll Down to read the rest of the story of what the LORD God Almighty is doing!

 Doers of the Word

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010!

As the LORD God Almighty wills, come along with me as I evangelize the Word of God in the "Word On Wheels" (W.O.W.) automobile as the Warrior of the Word of God to spread the Gospel to the nations.

Time is getting close to the coming return of the KING of KINGS and LORD of LORDS!

Read what the LORD God Almighty has, is, and going to do upon this earth to show He alone is GOD and there is no other god like Him or never will there be another god like Him, and the LORD God Almighty deserves all the glory, honor, power, praise, and worship.

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Thursday, 01 July 2010  
In Tennessee USA met a woman who just became homeless and she is a wonderful sister in the LORD.  We shared the Word of God together and the Spirit of the LORD was among us.  What a blessing from the LORD God Almighty! The LORD blessed me to bless someone else with a Free Holy Bible, money for gasoline, and a little food to eat.  The LORD God Almighty will provide all our needs and protect us for all harm and danger of those who love and obey Him. She and I spoke about Psalm 91.  GOD is good all the time!  Right now staying overnight in hotel in Illinois. I look forward to what the LORD God Almighty is going to do tomorrow and beyond!

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010!
Information Update
Sunday, 04 July 2010
Driving from Iowa to South Dakota
The LORD God Almighty is awesome! As He directs me to drive across this nation, I am in awe of His creation, the breath-taking view of gorgeous land and water. I say to the LORD God Almighty, "What a beautiful earth You have given to us humans beings to live upon!"  In Iowa, I saw the results of its flooding of a baseball field. I was driving in the rain today as I left Iowa, but as the afternoon came and I drove many more miles down the road, the dark clouds left and the sun began to shine. While at a rest stop, the Holy Spirit of the LORD directed me to give two cds and Days of Noah newsletters to women working at the rest stop. I am now in Chamberlain, South Dakota.

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Monday, 05 July 2010 
South Dakota 

At a rest stop in South Dakota, I walked to my car and notice a man sweeping and collecting the trash around my automobile.  I also notice that he was reading the car signs on the doors with the Holy Bible verses 1 John 1:9 and Matthew 24:14.  The Holy Spirit of the LORD God Almighty prompts me to ask him if he would like a free Holy Bible and Christian / Gospel cd?  He first looked at me as if he did not believe what I said, so I grabbed the Holy Bible and cd from my automobile and ask the question again, "Would you like a free Holy Bible and Christian / Gospel cd?  He said, "Yes" and I placed them in his hand, and a slight smile came over his face.  I told him my name, and I asked, "What is your name?" He said, "James", I then said, "God bless you, James", and I drove off to the next destination. 


At a rest stop in Wyoming there was a store and inside it a gift shop and other items to purchase.  The LORD God Almighty by His Holy Spirit directed me in my heart spirit to take out of the car and into the store: one Holy Bible, one Days of Noah newsletter, and one Sacrifice of Praise cd.  As I walked inside the store, the Holy Spirit told me whom to give the Holy Bible, newsletter and cd.  "I would like to give you a free Holy Bible, Christian / Gospel cd, and newsletter, she responded by saying, "I need a new Bible, the one I have is getting torn, coming apart."  I asked her where and what type of congregation she attends, and we talked a little about the LORD, couldn't speak much because she was working. 


Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Tuesday, 06 July 2010 

Last night as I was looking in the yellow pages for a place to wash my laundry, the Holy Spirit told me in my heart spiritually to visit Laundromats to evangelize the Word of the LORD.  Even before I left Georgia for this evangelism missionary journey I have been praying to the LORD asking Him to guide me on what to do, where to go, and what to speak.  Thank God for answering my prayers. 


As I was going to one Laundromat, the LORD would divert my feet to drive to another location to give away free Holy Bibles, newsletters, and cds.  The LORD God Almighty desires for all to come to know and worship Him in spirit and truth, and He will stop at nothing, including using a sinner like me saved by His grace, to come and go in the name of the LORD. 


Many people were willing to take the Holy Bible, only a few people refused to receive a free Holy Bible.  On the way to the Laundromats, the Holy Spirit of the LORD shown me this liquor store, and directed me there.  As I walked inside, the woman was very pleasant, but declines to take the free Holy Bible.  When I told her it was a Giant Print Holy Bible she seems interested, and I opened it to show her how more easily it is to read verses the smaller print Holy Bibles.  She was surprise to see such a Holy Bible, but still decline to receive it.  The Holy Spirit told me to ask her if I may leave the Giant Print Holy Bible and cd for her customers, and she said that I could.  I told her thank you, God bless, and I moved on. 


The LORD God Almighty is so awesome, He even tells me through the Holy Spirit how many Holy Bibles and cds to take from the car before walking into any building because He knows whose heart is receptive and who heart is not receptive. 


The LORD also directed me to a Pediatrician’s office to give away a free cd to a mother and her daughter.  The office manager said it was okay for me to leave a free Holy Bible and extra cds for patients in the waiting room. 


Driving to the next Laundromat, the LORD God Almighty had me to drive toward a close street due to construction and I began to turn the car around, but then I saw a hair salon and the Holy Spirit instructed me to stop my vehicle.  The LORD God Almighty told me to take from the car, two Holy Bibles and three cds.  As I walked toward the hair salon an elderly man was sitting outside the building, the Holy Spirit of God directed my feet toward him.  I asked him where I could locate a Laundromat near here and he told me.  Then I asked, "Do you need a free Giant Print Holy Bible?"  At first he was hesitant, and then he said, "My wife reads the Bible, yes; I will give it to her."  He asked me about the Christian faith and how is it going and if people are receiving the word of God?  I told him the truth that many people are not receiving the Word of God, and falling away from the Christian faith.  He asked, "Why is that?"  I responded, "It is because we are living in the end times."  Then he began speaking more openly to me, and said, "Yes, you are right, I am not a religious man, but I agree by what is happening in the world; People are so materialistic."  "Yes", I said to him, "You are right people love material things."  Dan and I finished our conversation with blessings.


While inside the hair salon, I asked the stylists, “May I leave a free Giant Print Holy Bible for anyone or customers? And the gentleman told me I could leave the Holy Bible.  I gave cd to small child in chair and one of the women stylists.  Then the woman stylist told me her mother would like the Giant Print Holy Bible because she cannot see very well due to cataracts on her eyes.  I said, "Yes, please take it to your mother, God bless you, God bless you all."

The LORD God Almighty knew who needed and desired the Holy Bibles.


The Laundromat where I washed my clothes was a very interesting experience.  The laundry attendant possessed a wrong spirit, and the LORD God Almighty shown it to me as I was speaking with her.  I asked her if I may leave a free Holy Bible on the table (along with other religious material on the same table). She nodded her head no, and said, "There are many religions and I don't think I can let you do that."  I asked her, "What are the many different religions?"  She began to list them, "Well, there is Baptist, Catholic, and Jehovah Witness.” Then I responded to her, "All these religions use the Holy Bible, and there is only One GOD."  Only then after saying that to her she agreed for me to leave one Holy Bible on the table next to other religious material and worldly magazines.  As I sat waiting for my clothes to finish washing, I asked the LORD God Almighty in my heart spiritually, "Do you want me to give her a Days of Noah newsletter?"  The LORD God Almighty responded in my heart with a "Yes".  So, I rose from my sitting and walked over to the laundry attendant, and said, "I would like to give you free one of the newsletters I was telling you about."  She smiled and said, "Thank you."  While my clothes were drying, I was again directed by the Holy Spirit to give away cds not only to the laundry attendant, but also to the Laundromat customers.  There was only one person in the Laundromat decline to receive the free cd. 


What I noticed in this part of Montana there are Casinos and gambling machines.  While driving around looking for Laundromats, I walked inside a restaurant for directions and saw video style gambling Casino machines.


Matthew 28:19 - 20

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen.  NKJV


Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Wednesday, 07 July 2010 

What is the Sweet Smell of GOD? 
Click on link to read what the LORD God Almighty did, and how He blessed me with angels providing for my needs.  

Sweet Smell of GOD

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010!
Information Update
Thursday, 08 July 2010
Friday, 09 July 2010

Bozeman, Montana

Friday, 09 July 2010


God is Good!  Someone stole one of my Holy Bible Scripture signs off the W.O.W. automobile.  I was walking out of the Three Forks Library to put something inside the trunk of the car and saw the sign missing.  At the time, I was speaking with my husband on the telephone, and told him about it and he asked me, "Are you ready to come back home to Atlanta?" 

I responded, "No! This only proves that I am sent her by the LORD God Almighty, I am needed here more than ever, and to finish what the LORD God Almighty wants me to do here in Montana and that I should count it all joy!"  I told my husband if the person wanted the Holy Bible verse that badly, great! I am glad the person wants to share the Word of God on his/her car. 

I give it all the LORD God Almighty for He is in control. 



Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010!
Information Update
Friday, 09 July 2010

Three Forks, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010!
Information Update
Sunday, 11 July 2010

Going in GOD's Direction!

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Monday, 12 July 2010 

Whitehall and Butte, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Tuesday, 13 July 2010  

Helena, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Thursday, 15 July 2010  

Missoula, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Friday, 16 July 2010

St. Patrick's Hospital - Missoula, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Saturday, 17 July 2010 

Ninepipes Museum of Early Montana in Charlo, Montana and Convenience Store in Lakeside, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Monday, 19 July 2010 

Kalispell, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Tuesday, 20 July 2010  

From Kalispell to Great Falls, Montana

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010!
Information Update
Wednesday, 21 July 2010

LORD God Almighty with me through and delivered me from the storm on Interstate 15 North.

Evangelism Missionary Journey 2010! 
Information Update
Thursday, 22 July 2010 

Great Falls to Billings, Montana

Mark 13:10

And the gospel must first be published among all nations.

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Psa 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.