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Days of Noah Preparation Journey

Days of Noah Preparation Journey - YouTube

We are individuals getting ready for living and surviving and thriving through the Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Genesis chapters 6 and 7). We are humble, obedient, clay vessels, children, servants, and remnants of the Almighty Yahweh, One True Eternal Everliving Everlasting Most High King and Creator of the universe. We read, study, meditate, do, and guard the commandments of the Almighty Yahweh, One True Eternal Everliving Everlasting Most High King and Creator of the universe. We love the Almighty Yahweh, One True Eternal Everliving Everlasting Most High King and Creator of the universe with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength, and we love our neighbor as we love ourselves. We are staying Spiritual awake, aware, alert by watching and praying. It is our hope and prayer everyone would come to accept and believe in the Almighty Yahweh, One True Eternal Everliving Everlasting Most High King and Creator of the universe while there is still time to do so (Isaiah 55). We pray all His Blessings and Peace come to you and your family.

Devotion to YAH: How Do We Control Our Uncontrollable Anger? - Psalm 4:4-5

Yahweh Renew Our Minds and Victory Over The Enemy.

Is Gold and Silver Going to Save Anyone In the Day of YAH? (Ezekiel 7:19)

Malach 1 (Part 3)

Malachi 1 (Part 2)

Malachi 1 (Part 1)

Praying and Praising the Most High Almighty in the Prison - Acts 16:25-26

Wait Patiently For YAH's Plan - Psalm 37 (Part 1)

What does the Most High Almighty say about Idol Worship? (Part 2)

What does the Most High Almighty say about Idol Worship? (Part 1)

P.E.A.R. - Patience - Endurance - Anointing - Righteous - part 3

P.E.A.R. - Patience - Endurance - Anointing - Righteous - part 2

P.E.A.R. - Patience - Endurance - Anointing - Righteous (Introduction Prayer) - part 1

Fear the LORD (YAHWEH) - Part 1

Worship YAH - Luke Chapter 4 (Part 2)

Worship YAH - Luke Chapter 4 (Part 1)

Fire Extinguisher - Daniel Chapter 3 (Part 3)

Fire Extinguisher - Daniel Chapter 3 (Part 2)

Fire Extinguisher - Daniel Chapter 3 (Part 1)

Obey, Guard, Do, and Walk in YAH's Word for the Days of Noah Preparation Journey! (Deuteronomy 26)

What Does It Means to Run Into Yahweh's Strong Tower? - Proverbs 18:10

Yahweh's Correctional Judgments Upon Godless Nations - Obadiah chapter 1 verses15-21

How Do We Walk the Narrow Way? (Luke chapter 13)

What are YAH's Judgments Against the Enemies of His Children, Land, and Country? (Part 2)

What are YAH's Judgments Against the Enemies of His Children, Land, and Country? (Part 1)

Good Figs and Bad Figs (Part 4)

Good Figs and Bad Figs (Part 3)

Good Figs and Bad Figs (Part 2)

Good Figs and Bad Figs (Part 1)

Yahweh Renew Me In 2023! (Part 1)

False Prophets: Their Character And What YAH Will Do To Them (Jeremiah 23:9-32)

Listen to Most High Almighty YAH for His Protection and Peace (Psalm 81)

Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not? (Part 7)

Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not? (Part 6)

Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not? (Part 5)

Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not? (Part 4)

Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not? (Part 3)

Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not? (Part 2)

Tithing: What Is It and What Is It Not? (Part 1)

Introduction to Tithing: What Is It? and What Is It Not?

Fate of the Unfaithful following the Beast and False Prophet and Blessings of Faithful of YAHWEH!

What is the love of money? (1 Timothy 6:3-12)

New teaching messages on Watchman on the Wall!

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 9)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 8)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 7)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 6)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 5)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 4)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 3)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 2)

"Woe to the shepherds..." Jeremiah 23 (Part 1)

Why Are People Separated From Yahweh Almighty? (Part 6) (Isaiah 59:18-20)

Why Are People Separated From Yahweh Almighty? (Part 5) (Isaiah 59:16-17)

Why Are People Separated From Yahweh Almighty? (Part 4) (Isaiah 59:12-15)

Why Are People Separated From Yahweh Almighty? (Part 3) (Isaiah 59:8-11)

Why Are People Separated From Yahweh Almighty? (Part 2) (Isaiah 59:4-7)

Why Are People Separated From Yahweh Almighty? (Part 1) (Isaiah 59:1-3)

Psalm chapter 59:14-17 (Part 4)

Psalm chapter 59:9-13 (Part 3)

Psalm chapter 59:3-8 (Part 2)

Psalm chapter 59:1-2 (Part 1)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. - Treason/Trick (Part 7)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. - Hypocrisy (Part 6)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. - Greed (Part 5)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. - Unforgiveness (Part 4)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. - Obstinate (Part 3)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. - Rebellion (Part 2)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. Devastation (Part 1)

D.R.O.U.G.H.T. (Introduction)

L.I.G.H.T. - Tenacity (Part 5)

L.I.G.H.T. - Healing (Part 4)

L.I.G.H.T. - Grace (Part 3)

L.I.G.H.T. - Instruct (Part 2)

L.I.G.H.T. - Love (Part 1)

L.I.G.H.T. - Introduction

2 Chronicles chapter 15:16-19 (Part 4)

2 Chronicles chapter 15:9-15 (Part 3)

2 Chronicles chapter 15:1-8 (Parts 1 and 2)

N.U.M.B. (Blind - Part 4) and Dream

N.U.M.B. (Misery - Part 3)

N.U.M.B. (Undermine - Part 2)

N.U.M.B. (Neglect - Part 1)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing - Blowing the Trumpet!

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: TRUTH (Part 7)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: ENDURE (Part 6)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: PRAISE (Part 5)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: MERCY (Part 4)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: UNDERSTAND (Part 3)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: REPENT (Part 2)

T.R.U.M.P.E.T. Hearing: TRUST (Part 1)

How Do We Sing the New Song Glorifying and Exalting the Most High Almighty Yahweh King? Psalm 96

Self-idol Worship - Isaiah chapter 30:18-26 (part 3)

Self-idol Worship - Isaiah chapter 30:9-17 (part 2)

What Happens to Righteous and Unrighteous in Rebellious Times: Isaiah 3:8-26

Delight in the Law of the Yahweh for His Deliverance - Psalm 119:169-176

Praising Yahweh Through Our Unjustified Persecution - Psalm 119:161-168

"The End of the Wicked and the Peace of the Godly" - Psalm chapter 52

Yahweh Will Rescue and Redeem Us from Affliction When We Love His Precepts - Psalm 119:153-160

Waiting for Yahweh's Words in Our Times of Distress - Psalm 119:145-152

Self-idol Worship - Isaiah chapter 30:1-8 (part 1)

W.A.I.T. - Worship Almighty In Test and Trial (Part A)

Servants of Yahweh Love Pure Word of Yahweh - Psalm 119:137-144

Yahweh Gives Us His Light and Establish Our Footsteps - Psalm 119:129-136

Yahweh Will Act as We Live with Justice and Righteousness - Psalm 119:121-128

Yahweh Is Our Shield and Safety of Protection from Deceitful and Wickness - Psalm 119:113-120

Yahweh Revive Us Through Our Times of Challenges - Psalm 119:106-112

How to Walk with Most High Almighty King and Creator of the Universe - Genesis 6:1-13

Taking Care of Our Body Temple: What? When? Where? How? Why? - 1 Kings 6:12

Yahweh's Words are Sweeter than Honey for Giving us His Wisdom - Psalm 119:97-105

Delight in Most High Almighty Yahweh's Precepts for Protection and Life - Psalm 119:89-96

Don't Quit

Staying Focused On Yahweh's Promises Through Our Drought Season - Psalm 119:82-88 (Part 2)

Keeping Faithful

D. E. W. People (September 29, 2020)

Meditating and Waiting On Almighty Yahweh's Word Through Distressing Times - Psalm 119:73-80

Affliction Causes Alignment with Most High Yahweh King and Creator's Precepts- Psalm 119:65-72

Seek the Almighty Yahweh King and Creator with all Your Heart - Psalm 119:57-64

How Does Almighty Yahweh Protect the Poor from Wicked People - Psalm 10:1-18

Almighty King and Creator's Help Through Our Affliction - Psalm 119:49-56

Observing the Righteous Ways of Most High Almighty Yahweh King and Creator - Psalm 119:33-40

Yahweh Revives Us As We Learn His Statues - Psalm 119:25-32

Return to Most High Almighty King and Creator - 1 Samuel 7:1-13

Keeping Our Eyes Opened - Psalm 119:17-24

How to Keep Your Way Pure? Psalm 119:9-16

Days of Noah Preparation Journey: Staying Faithful in Fear - Isaiah 41; Romans 8: Jude 1; Revelation 3 (Facebook link)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey - Romans 8:28; Jude 1; Revelation 3:8, 10. Continuing our readiness for the coming correctional judgments from the Hand of the Almighty Yahweh King and Creator of the universe. The humble-obedient-clay-vessel-remnant will have the protective Hand of the Most High Almighty Yahweh as He guides our thinking, actions, and miracles of provisions, deliverance, healing, and wisdom inside His Place of Secrecy (Psalm 91).

Staying Awake and Prepared for Coming Deception

Spiritual Closet (Part 2)

Spiritual Closet (Part 1)

P.L.A.G.U.E. (Part 2)

P.L.A.G.U.E. (Part 1)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey

Days of Noah Preparation Journey Syllabus (Spring 2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 12) (04-30-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 11) (04-29-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 10) (04-28-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 9) (04-27-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (The Song Of The Three Children) (04-26-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 8) (04-22-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 7) (04-20-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 6) (04-13-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 5) (04-12-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 4) (04-12-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Jeremiah chapter 3:14-20) What is Blacksliding?) (Part 2) (04-08-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Jeremiah chapter 3:1-13) What is Blacksliding?) (Part 1) (04-06-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 3) (03-26-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey - Zephaniah chapter 1 (03-25-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 2) (03-22-2020)

Days of Noah Preparation Journey (Part 1) (03-15-2020)



DATES: MAY 1 TO MAY 31, 2020









JUDE CHAPTER 1 (only one chapter)




Choose one or all times based upon your health ability and available time. We come together as the humble, obedient clay vessel children, servants, and remnants of the Most High Almighty Yahweh, King and Creator of the universe to glorify, honor, praise, and worship Him. We are seeking, asking, and knocking at the Door of the Heart of the Most High Almighty Yahweh, King and Creator of the universe hear and listen to our prayers for repentance, resolutions, renewal, and revival.

6 AM --- 9 AM --- 12 PM --- 3 PM

6 PM --- 9 PM --- 12 AM --- 3 AM


How you begin and conduct your fast will largely determine your success. By following these seven basic steps to fasting, you will make your time with the Lord more meaningful and spiritually rewarding.


Why are you fasting? Is it for spiritual renewal, for guidance, for healing, for the resolution of problems, for special grace to handle a difficult situation? Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify His leading and objectives for your prayer fast. This will enable you to pray more specifically and strategically.

Through fasting and prayer we humble ourselves before God so the Holy Spirit will stir our souls, awaken our churches, and heal our land according to 2 Chronicles 7:14. Make this a priority in your fasting.


Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake. Jesus implied that all of His followers should fast (Matthew 6:16-18; 9:14,15) For Him it was a matter of when believers would fast, not if they would do it. Before you fast, decide the following up front:

How long you will fast—one meal, one day, a week, several weeks, forty days (Beginners should start slowly, building up to longer fasts.)

The type of fast God wants you to undertake (such as water only, or water and juices; what kinds of juices you will drink and how often)

What physical or social activities you will restrict

How much time each day you will devote to prayer and God's Word

Making these commitments ahead of time will help you sustain your fast when physical temptations and life's pressures tempt you to abandon it.


The very foundation of fasting and prayer is repentance. Unconfessed sin will hinder your prayers. Here are several things you can do to prepare your heart:

Ask God to help you make a comprehensive list of your sins.

Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit calls to your remembrance and accept God's forgiveness (1 John 1:9).

Seek forgiveness from all whom you have offended, and forgive all who have hurt you (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3,4).

Make restitution as the Holy Spirit leads you.

Ask God to fill you with His Holy Spirit according to His command in Ephesians 5:18 and His promise in 1 John 5:14,15.

Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ as your Lord and Master; refuse to obey your worldly nature (Romans 12:1,2).

Meditate on the attributes of God, His love, sovereignty, power, wisdom, faithfulness, grace, compassion, and others (Psalm 48:9,10; 103:1-8, 11-13).

Begin your time of fasting and prayer with an expectant heart (Hebrews 11:6).

Do not underestimate spiritual opposition. Satan sometimes intensifies the natural battle between body and spirit (Galatians 5:16,17).


Fasting requires reasonable precautions. Consult your physician first, especially if you take prescription medication or have a chronic ailment. Some persons should never fast without professional supervision.

Physical preparation makes the drastic change in your eating routine a little easier so that you can turn your full attention to the Lord in prayer.

Do not rush into your fast.

Prepare your body. Eat smaller meals before starting a fast. Avoid high-fat and sugary foods.

Eat raw fruit and vegetables for two days before starting a fast.

(Reference: Bill Bright. (2019). 7 Basic steps to successful fasting and prayer. Journey Church. Retrieved from https://www.journeyorl.com/7-basic-steps-to-successful-fasting-and-prayer)


Your Personal Guide to Fasting and Prayer


Virginia G. Pierce-Kelly


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Psa 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.