Butterfly Journey Human Services and Ministries provides Free Holy Bible Scripture teaching messages, programs, and events
for people to gain and obtain wellness of body, mind, soul, spirit, and finances, become ready for the coming Messiah, the
Messianic Age, the Kingdom of Yahuah/Yahweh Elohim, live a holy, pure, and righteous life now and beyond glorifying, honoring,
loving, obeying, seeking, serving the Heavenly Father Most High Almighty Yahweh King and Creator of the universe and doing
His Words -- Deuteronomy 31:6; Isaiah 41:10; Romans 8:28; James 1:21-22; Revelation 3:8.
GENESIS 1:29 LIFE - Sharing, Caring, and Learning how to live a plant-based vegan lifestyle.
Event in Georgia to support and provide a meal for the person who is a widow, homeless person, orphan, single parent or
elderly (age 60 and beyond).
Proverbs 19:17
He who is gracious and lends a hand to the poor lends to the LORD,
And the LORD will repay him for his good deed.
Location: To Be Determined
Tentative Date: Saturday, 30 August 2025
Time: To Be Determined
(Details coming soon!)
2025 CARE for W.H.O.S.E. Festival (website)
Radio Evangelism International (archives)
Butterfly Journey Human Services and Ministries YouTube Channel
2023 Care for W.H.O.S.E. is our new event in Georgia to support and provide a meal for the person experiencing homelessness.
Click here to learn more details and how you may participate and sponsorship.
We desire and encourage everyone to aspire for wellness of body, mind, soul, spirit, and finances through making positive,
effective choices toward good nutrition, age-appropriate fitness programs, financial freedom, and a healthy spiritual relationship
with the Heavenly Father Almighty Supreme Creator for successful results.
We advocate for everyone to have wellness of body, mind, soul, spirit, and finances!
Human Services - Research - Wellness Ministry
Reach out to the ones who are W.H.O.S.E. - Widows, Homeless, Orphans, Single parents, and Elderly (Seniors age 60 and
beyond) in bringing sustainable and healthy living.
Holistic, Natural, and Electronic Healthcare
We perform Information Professional and Independent Research services.
We promote a plant-based lifestyle for healthy humans, animals, the planet for a person to gain excellent radiant health
through good nutrition and safe and fun fitness!
Support community changes for aspiring unity and going forward in creating a successful world of helping and caring for
Widows, the Homeless, Orphans, Single parents, and the Elderly.
We think premium education, affordable and accessible health care, and eating and drinking plant-based food and liquids
for optimum health are the main factors in creating a quality of life for individuals and their families.
Emotional Wellness
New book: 1,260 DAYS