New Book Shows The Importance Of Being In An Incessant State Of Ready Preparedness For The Coming Of The Messiah Yeshua
The eclectic style of writing with hard and humorous Biblical teaching brings a culmination of the importance of people
knowing the Noah-like era we now live The new book, Days of Noah - Words of Warmth, Wisdom, and Warning! is a thought-provoking
anecdotal and analytical Biblical occasions that include missionary evangelistic journaling of educational, prophetic cautionary
Biblical teachable moments and lessons each guided by the leading of Hand of the Almighty Yahweh and the Holy Spirit.
The book's flavor is an evangelizing focus likened to a Noah-event of preaching righteousness to everyone for personal
and national Spiritual repentance and redemption toward wellness of body, mind, soul, and spirit. The book is advocating a
most timely genuineness of seeking the ways and words of the Almighty Most High and Exalted One while there is still time
to do so. I hope readers to seek the Almighty Yahweh in a refreshing heartfelt technique that would draw the person closer
toward becoming an obedient humble clay vessel servant of the Creator and King of the universe, states the author. As the
reader gleans Holy Spirit Fruit from my book, he or she will be invigorated to see, believe, and receive the goodness of the
Heavenly Father leading toward a repentance-filled salvation relationship with Him. I think this momentum of time writing
of this book will better prepare people hearts and minds for a true and genuine relationship with the Heavenly Father.
1,260 DAYS (New book published October 2021)
Days of Noah - Words of Warmth, Wisdom, and Warning! (Amazon)
Days of Noah - Words of Warmth, Wisdom, and Warning! (Barnes & Noble)
Read Selected Poems from Book - "Journey of Poems - A Still Small Voice"
Books by piercegrace (Virginia G. Pierce-Kelly):
Journey of Poems: A Still Small Voice
Days of Noah: Words of Warmth, Wisdom, and Warning!
P.R.A.Y.: Purified Remnant Arm Yourselves
1,260 Days
James 1:6
But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that
wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
Virginia G. Pierce-Kelly
Telephone: 470.784.1193
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