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Circle of Friends Reading Clubs

Circle of Friends Reading Clubs


Circle of Friends Reading Clubs is an innovative reading enrichment program that inspires youth and teens to build character, leadership, ethics, attitude, respect, and responsibility (C.L.E.A.R.R.) through reading of thought-provoking stories and books. The purposes of these reading clubs are:


Ø         To assist youth and teens to enhance reading skills

Ø         For youth and teens to develop social and humanistic proficiency from reading books

Ø         To create a love for reading in a fun environment


The program helps students develop important literacy skills, which includes but not limited to fluency in reading, writing, communication, and evaluation thinking.


What happens in a Circle of Friends Reading Clubs session?


Members decide what book to read by a democratic process.  The members all have an assigned number of pages to read before each session and come prepared with questions or comments about the story or chapters to share with the group.  The emphasis on discussion allows all students to participate that will aid them to become fluent readers, and help them grow in their ability to understand and critique information, and enjoy literature.


When are Circle of Friends Reading Clubs sessions offered?


Butterfly Journey offers spring and summer sessions for ages 8 through 14 years old or 3rd through 8th grade students. 


Reading Group Sessions:

Spring session is March, April, and May

Summer session is June, July, and August

Fall session is September, October, and November

Graduation is in November


Reading Group Ages/Grades:

    * Youth-Circle of Friends Reading Clubs for ages 8, 9, 10 years old or 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades


    * Teen-Circle of Friends Reading Clubs for ages 12, 13, 14 years old or 6th, 7th, and 8th Grades


Where is the Circle of Friends Reading Clubs session held?


All Circle of Friends Reading Clubs sessions meet monthly in different locations in Gainesville-Hall County, Georgia.  Parents are responsible for their child’s transportation to and from reading club meetings.  


Is there a fee for the Circle of Friends Reading Club?


Yes, membership fee is forty dollars ($40.00) per month to cover cost of books, materials, and refreshments.

Membership fee is twenty dollars ($20.00) per month if your or a non-profit (501c3) or religious organization. 

Membership fee includes: Books, reading materials, and refreshments.


How do I sign up for Circle of Friends Reading Clubs?


Email at butterflyjourneyministries@gmail.com for more information.

The 2001-2002 Circle of Friends Reading Group members

The Circle of Friends Reading Group members who read Brotherly Love:

Turquise Anderson

April Brown

Marquez Bush

Jada Chatman

Kenneth Goss

Ala Harbin

Haley Henriquez

Ed Hollis IV

Asia Ivory

Chris King

Quintera Williams

New and improved ideas from the reading group!

The members spoke about possibly starting a newsletter with stories from the group.  The newsletter will have fun stories about the members, what they like about being in the reading group, and also articles about the volunteers and why they enjoy sharing their time to assist young adults.  The stories will be from people like you who are participating in The Circle of Friends Reading Group.

The Circle of Friends Reading Group members reading Colorless Soul are...

Turquise Anderson
Marquez Bush
Jada Chatman
Kenneth Goss
Haley Henriquez
Ed Hollis IV
Chelsea Williams
T'Challa Williams
Quintera Williams


My elation of words cannot express my appreciation toward the volunteers for all their hard work, which they have contributed in making The Circle of Friends Reading Clubs a success! 



To Derek Hutchens who listened to my idea about a reading group and for putting the idea into reality.



 Tabatha Jackson and Derek Hutchens for shuttling the reading group to and from the reading group locations.



Francine Dibben who came to the meetings with special gifts and information about upcoming productions from Gainesville Theatre Alliance at Gainesville State College.



Paul Smith for coming to Books-A-Million in Gainesville, Georgia, and speaking to the youth about his many adventures of scuba diving and flying airplanes.



Lee Anzola for sharing information about Summer Scholars.



Greg Smith, of the Boys and Girls Club of Hall County Gainesville, Georgia, for his support of the reading clubs.


Derrick Caldwell, of the Boys and Girls Club of Hall County Gainesville, Georgia, for shuttling the youth to and from the locations of the meetings.


How to become a Circle of Friends Reading Group Volunteer!

1. Volunteer for one hour a week when reading clubs meetings are held.

2. Preface the book assignments if necessary, and come prepared with questions from the book assignments for the reading group members.

3. Attend all scheduled meetings for the month you are volunteering.

4. Stimulate book discussion among the reading group members.

5. Exhibit recognition, respect, and reward to all reading group members and visitors.

6. Notify Virginia Pierce-Kelly in advance or soon as possible if you are not able to attend a meeting.

7. Share your experiences in relation to the chosen book of the month.

8. LOVE working with youth ages 8 to 14 years old.

We THANK YOU volunteers!!!

BIG THANK YOU to all the sponsors of the Butterfly Journey Circle of Friends Reading Clubs!


With the highest gratitude, we thank everyone who supported the Butterfly Journey Circle of Friends Reading Clubs.

Warner Financial Services of Gainesville, Georgia donated $50.00 (2005).
Schools Tools and Office Pro's of Gainesville, GA donated pencils and composition notebooks to the Circle of Friends Reading Clubs---Teen Reading Club members (2005).
Target of Gainesville, GA donated a $30.00 gift card toward the Circle of Friends Reading Clubs---Teen Reading Club members (2005).
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Ralph Waldo's Books
Gainesville, Georgia 
Lakeshore Mall
Gainesville, Georgia
Gainesville, Georgia
Time Out Arcade
Gainesville, Georgia
Body Shop
Gainesville, Georgia

C.L.E.A.R.R. --- Character; Leadership; Ethics; Attitude; Respect; and Responsibility.

To the Top

Psa 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.