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B. E. S. T.

 B. E. S. T.




The B. E. S. T. courses are basic level classes for the novice believer in Jesus Christ or for anyone who wants to know more about the Holy Bible, the LORD God, and Jesus Christ.





Teacher: Almighty God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit 

Vessel: Virginia G. Pierce-Kelly

Contact information:

Telephone- (678) 523-2634






q       To evangelize the word of God to all people of all ages.

q       To assist ones to learn and know more about the Bible.

q       To encourage ones to read the Bible and seek God by doing so.




Youth ages 11 to 18

Young Adult ages 19 to 35

Adults ages 36 to 55

Seniors ages 56 and up


Days and times of meeting:


This is flexible depending upon you or your group's schedule.




There is a two week break/recess between each course for pre-registration.


Length of courses:


Each course is six weeks. 


Places of meetings:


Churches, meeting rooms, restaurants, homes, etc.


Maximum number of students for each course:


Twelve (12)




New King James Version Bibles are given FREE to each participant of Bible Education Courses.


Fee for courses:


Freely we receive, freely we give.

There is no charge for B. E. S. T.  courses.






God 101

Who is God?  Who is Jesus?  Why do we need God?  Are God Almighty and Jesus Christ one in the same?  This basic introductory course is to assist ones who do not have knowledge about God and Jesus Christ and would like to learn. Course is six weeks. 



Do we need to repent?  What is the principle of repenting?  This course will define “Repentance” and the reason why it is vital for salvation.  Prerequisite God 101. Course is six weeks. 



How does salvation fit in with this God thing?  What does it means to have salvation?  Is salvation necessary?  This course describes the importance of deliverance.  Prerequisite God 101 and Repentance. Course is six weeks. 


Godly Relationship:

How do I talk, listen, and discern God’s presence in my life? What does God require of me in developing a relationship with Him?  This course will explain why it is very important to begin and maintain a personal and intimate relationship with the creator of the universe. Prerequisite God 101, Repentance, and Salvation. Course is six weeks. 


How do my group or I sign up for the

B. E. S. T. Courses?


Contact Virginia G. Pierce-Kelly at your convenience for B. E. S. T. planning consultation for your church or group at 678.523.2634 or Email at butterflyjourney@yahoo.com or write us at Butterfly Journey Ministries, Post Office Box 65326, Orange Park, Florida 32065


We are eager to follow and help others to follow the command from the Lord Jesus Christ that He stated in the Bible from


Matthew 28:19-20:


“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”  Amen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  


2 Timothy 2:15
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Reading the Word of GOD is vital in these last days because the Holy Bible has many life-saving devices through the LORD God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. 
Many people, sometimes to no fault of their own, do not read the Holy Bible. Working too many hours, too much on our plate, running here and there, do not possess a Holy Bible, or our church/place or worship does not have an intimate one on one small group Holy Bible study, or for whatever reason causes us to NOT read the Holy Bible.  
The main purpose of the Holy Bible Study is to encourage belivers and non-believers to read the Holy Bible, to live the Holy Bible, and become doers of the Word of God, the Holy Bible.  The Holy Bible is a book of answers to all life problems, issues, and situations.  The Holy Bible is a road map to direct us on the road the LORD God sees fit as best for us to travel.  Also, the Holy Bible is a book of preparation, purpose, and plan for the return of Jesus Christ / Yeshua Messiah our Lord and Savior. 
As we return to the LORD God by reading and living the Word of God, the Holy Bible, He will give us pearls of wisdom of discernment, protection, guidance, direction, and to know whether something is right and wrong in His eyes. We will know what to do, what to say, and where to go by His Holy Spirit.





Bible Study Lessons

Blue Letter Bible



Bible Study Jordan Park

Pillar of Truth Bible Institute

Click on links below to view, read, and/or listen to the books of the Holy Bible.

Bible Gateway

Blue Letter Bible

Audio Online Holy Bible


To the Top

Psa 28:7 - The LORD is my strength and my shield. My heart has trusted in him, and I am helped. Therefore my heart greatly rejoices. With my song I will thank him.